(hanya ditampilkan dalam bentuk ringkasan / rangkuman saja untuk menghormati Peneliti )
Dr. Saad A. AL-Saedi , Medicine College, Departement Pediatric, Molecular Aspects of Cupping Therapy: Relationship to Immune Functions in Patients with Chronic HCV Infection (Phase two)
Dr. Saad A. Al-Saedi, Hubungan antara fungsi Imun pada pasien dengan infeksi Hepatitis C Kronik
Ringkasan Penelitiannya :
¡In the periodic report submitted for this study, results comparing HCV patients undergoing repeated cupping with control persons were presented to demonstrate the effect of cupping on CBC, liver functions and immune response. However, in this part of the study the objectives have been achieved by studying the effect of repeated cupping on the same measures as well as measuring the effect of cupping on MDA, IL-1β, and cAMP. The results of this study showed significant improvement in liver enzymes (namely ALT) following repeated cupping, and also in reducing the free radical MDA as well as cAMP, both of which are incriminated in pathological liver changes accompanying HCV infection. On the other hand, results showed the effect of repeated cupping on increasing IL-1β which triggers the cascade of immunostimulation secondary to inflammations, by activating T-lymphocytes and B-cells together with activating adhesion molecules and other cytokines. Results showed also continued increase in platelet count upon repeated cupping. Although no significant change in WBC count was observed, lymphocytic count was increased even above control levels, which might reflect improved immune system secondary to the observed reduction in viral load. Cupping also increased hemoglobin levels around the control values. And, lastly, repeated cupping was associated with significant reduction in viral load of HCV RNA using PCR technique. Taken together, the present results showed a significant increase in the immune response after repeated cupping and subsequently a significant reduction in virus replication in the blood samples taken from these patients. Terjemah dari kalimat cetak miring : Diambil secara bersamaan (dari penelitian tersebut ), kondisi yang ada menunjukkan peningkatan secara signifikan dalam respon kekebalan tubuh setelah pembekaman berulang dan kemudian pengurangan secara signifikan dalam replikasi virus dalam contoh darah yang diambil dari pasien-pasien[48]
Evaluation of wet-cupping therapy for persistent non-specific low back pain: a randomised, waiting-list controlled, open-label, parallel-group pilot trial
Peneliti : Jong-In Kim1,2†, Tae-Hun Kim1,2†, Myeong Soo Lee1, Jung Won Kang1,2, Kun Hyung Kim1,2, Jun-Yong Choi1,3, Kyung-Won Kang1, Ae-Ran Kim1, Mi-Suk Shin1, So-Young Jung1 and Sun-mi Choi1* The result of this study implies that wet-cupping may have a potential effect to reduce current pain associated with PNSLBP. However, it is difficult to firmly concludethat wet-cupping is a meaningful intervention for functional recovery from PNSLBP. A large scale sham cupping-controlled trial would be necessary for evaluating the efficacy of wet-cupping therapy for PNSLBP in the future. Terjemahan bebas dari tulisan cetak miring : Hasil dari studi ini menmplikasikan bahwa Bekam Basah mungkin memiliki efek potensial dalam mengurangi sakit berkaitan dengan Sakit Punggung bagian bawah persisten. Bagaimanapun juga masih sulit untuk menyimpulkan secara kuat bahwa bekam basah adalah sebuah intervensi yang berarti dalam pemulihan fungsional dari sakit punggung bagian bawah. PNSLBP = persistent non-specific low back pain [49]
Thomas W. Anderson telah menulis sebuah buku berjudul 100 Diseases Treated by Cupping Methode. Beberapa di antara penyakit yang berespon cukup baik dengan Terapi bekam adalah Hipertensi, hiperuricemia (Gout/Pirai), hiperkolesterolemia, stroke [35], parkinson, epilepsy, migrain, vertigo, gagal ginjal, varises, wasir (hemoroid), dan semua keluhan sakit (rematik, ischialgia/sciatica, nyeri pinggang bawah), penyakit darah (leukemia, thalasemia), tinnitus, asma, alergi, penyakit sistem imun (SLE, HIV), infeksi (Hepatitis, elefantiasis), Glaukoma, Insomnia, enuresis/mengompol, mania, skizofren dan trans (gangguan sihir/jin), dll. Begitu juga bekam untuk kesuburan (fertilitas) dan kecantikan (menghilangkan jerawat, komedo, vitiligo, menurunkan berat badan, dll).[36]
Bekam di Dunia Barat
Seiring dengan bertambahnya pasien yang dengan izin Allah Ta’ala sembuh dan terbebas dari penyakitnya melalui bekam maka semakin banyak pula bermunculan Terapis Hijamah dari “Barat” yang menggunakan metode Cupping Therapy maupun metode Lintah (Leech Therapy) untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, mereka juga menuliskannya dalam berbagai artikel, buku dan publikasi lainnya:
- Alexis Black : Ancient Chinese technique of cupping offers pain relief without drugs or surgery (http://www.naturalnews.com/020253.html)
- Anita J. Shannon, LMBT : Massage Cupping Therapy for Health Care Professionals (http://www.massagetoday.com/archives/20…)
- Celebs Paltrow and Spears “Stuck” on Ancient Chinese Art of Cupping (http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200704/1177612286.html)
- Dr. Nishi Joshi menggunakan akupuntur dan bekam untuk menangani kanker payudara dari artis Kylie Minogue serta menterapi Cate Blanchett dan Kate Moss.
- Dr. S. Tamer : Cupping Therapy Beneficial in Treating Numerous Diseases (http://www.naturalnews.com/022727.html)
- Dr. Petra Zizenbacher dari Vienna, Austria, ahli pengobatan herbal yang menerapkan metode Cupping dan Lintah (Leech Therapy) dan salahsatu pasien langganannya yang terkenal adalah artis Demi Moore dan Gwyneth Paltrow sebagaimana Britney Spears yang juga pernah di bekam.
- Hennawy M (2004). Cupping therapy and Infertility. Available at http://www.obgyn.net/english/pubs/features/presentations/hennawy15/280,1 Cupping Therapy and Infertility. Accessed December 2004.
- Ilkay Zihni Chirali : Cupping Therapy (http://www.cuppingtherapy.co.uk/19103.html)
- Kohler D (1990) : The Connective Tissue as The Physical Medium for Conduction of Healing Energy in Cupping Therapeutic Method
- L.M. Thama, H.P. Leea,b,_, C. Lua : Cupping: From a biomechanical perspective (Journal of Biomechanics) June 2005 (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jbiomech)
- Longsdale, I. (2005) Manager of The Spa at County Hotel, London. Discussion re. ‘the use of cupping therapy in Eastern Europe’
- Michael Reed Gach,Ph.D seorang pendiri dan Direktur Institute Acupressure dari Berkeley, California dengan bukunya Acupressure’s Potent Points, a Guide to Self Care for Common Ailments (http://Acupressure.com)
- Michalsen A, Klotz S, Ludtke R, Moebus S, Spahn G, Dobos GJ (2003) . Effectiveness of leech therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Nov 4;139(9):724-30
- Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D. Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon : Cupping. (http://www.itmonline.org/arts/cupping.htm)
- Thomas W. Anderson (1985) : 100 Diseases Treated by Cupping Method
- What Caused Gwyneth’s Spots (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/38794…)
- Destur Purnama Jati (http://nurse-id.blogspot.com)
- Galih Gumelar (http://www.pendidikanbekam.com/2012/07/ustadz-h-galih-gumelar-ada-trik-khusus.html)
- International Al-Hijamah Therapist Assosiation (IAHTA) (http://www.iahta.org/)
- Ustadz Abu Qanun (http://bekamsteriljakarta.com/) Bekam Steril Jakarta
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